ࡱ> ikh%` bjbjNN 2d,,5VVVVVVVj###8##j,"%"%"D%D%D%&&&5,7,7,7,7,7,7,$-h0[,V&&&&&[,VVD%D%p,i(i(i(&XVD%VD%5,i(&5,i(i(VVi(D%% I#w&pi((,0,i(0&0i(0Vi(8&&i(&&&&&[,[,'j&&&,&&&&jjjD#jjj#jjjVVVVVV Market Supplement Policy - Appendix 1 RECORD OF CONSIDERATION OF MARKET SUPPLEMENT PAYMENTS Stage 1 Investigation of Recruitment and/or Retention Problems The first section of this form should be completed by the Head of Department/College/School and Senior HR Officer in each case where a market supplement payment might be appropriate. It will form the record of the investigations and the rationale for any recommendation that a market supplement payment should be further investigated, and should be submitted to the HR Department once completed. Role(s) for which application for a supplement is being made Stage 1 Investigation of Recruitment and/or Retention ProblemsPlease use this section to record the findings of the investigation.  Recommendation Following Stage 1 Following the above investigation is it considered that non-pay options have been exhausted and that a full review of market pay rates is required?  YES NO Head of Department/College/School (print name)  Head of Department/College/School (signature) Date Senior HR Officer (print name)  Senior HR Officer (signature) Date Stage 2 Analysing the Market Data The following section of this form will be completed by an HR Department representative in each case where the Head of Department/College/School and Senior HR Officer have recommended that a market pay review is required. It will form the record of the labour market pay research and the resulting recommendations. Stage 2 Analysing the Market DataIssues to be consideredEvidence What is the market pay rate for the post? Please attach evidence (quoting sources of data).  What is the difference between the standard University reward package for this role and the market rate? (The full reward package should be considered when making comparisons.)  Is the difference between the Universitys normal pay rate and the market rate likely to be a short or long term issue?  Recommendation Following Stage 2Issues to be consideredEvidence Is there evidence to suggest a market supplement would be justified in this case?  YES NO What level of supplement would be appropriate? (Please provide additional rationale if a higher than median market rate is being proposed.)  What form should this supplement take? (e.g. consider whether a lump-sum, staged or ongoing supplement would be appropriate.)  What review period would be appropriate (if applicable)?  HR Representative (print name)  HR Representative (signature) Date Stage 3 Formal Consideration of the Case Where evidence established at stages 1 and 2 of this procedure indicates that a market supplement payment may be a reasonable and proportionate response to recruitment and retention difficulties, the resulting recommendations will be formally considered by the Director of Human Resources and then forwarded to the Remuneration Committee or Sub Committee. The decision will be recorded using this section of the form, which will be retained, along with the rest of the form, as evidence of the supporting rationale. Stage 3 Formal Consideration of the CaseIssues to be consideredDecision Will a market supplement be granted in this case?  YES NOComments:  Details of Approved Market Supplement Payment Lump sum total ()  Staged over (delete if n/a) Annual Supplement () The supplement will apply for a period of _____ months (usually 12 months)  Director of HR (print name)  Director of HR (signature) Date Representative of Remuneration Committee (print name)Representative of Remuneration Committee (signature)Date     PAGE  PAGE 4 June 2009 &']^   j m o  ;   ; R c y 5 V [ l K^$|)VWev׼ƴƴƴƴ׬hB*phht(^B*phh3MB*phht(^CJaJh3M5B*phh3MCJaJht(^ h3M5h3Mh3M5CJaJh3M5CJaJ h3M5\h3M5B*\ph)%&:&']^- . k l m akd$$Ifl0 & j t062U44 la $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$$a$n]n m n o xrrrrrrrrr$If{kd$$Ifl&&  t 0&62U44 lap $$Ifa$                    $If    < $$Ifa$okdS$$Ifl4&& t0&62U44 laf4< = > }}}}}}$If{kd$$Ifl&&  t 0&62U44 lap    ~~uuo$If $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 la   H I J O P {rrlrrl$If $$Ifa$kd+$$Ifl0 %  t0k&62U2 44 laP Q R v w ULLF$If $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl\ p% X t0k&62U2 44 law x y {rrlrrl$If $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl0 %  t0k&62U2 44 la USSSNSS$a$kdR$$Ifl\ p% X t0k&62U2 44 la()AJz{kd'$$Ifl&&  t 0&62U44 lap $$Ifa$JKLe____$Ifkd$$Ifl0&=B  t0&62U44 lap^_`zzzzz$Ifkd$$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 la`abzzzz$Ifkd^$$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 la~~~~u $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 la$zz $$Ifa${kd $$Ifl&&  t 0&62U44 lap $%&xy{|e______$IfkdF $$Ifl0&=B  t0&62U44 lapzzzz$Ifkd $$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 lazzzz$Ifkd $$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 lazzzz$IfkdX $$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 la~~uuo$If $$Ifa$kd $$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 la !&'{rrlrrl$If $$Ifa$kd $$Ifl0 % P t0k&62U2 44 la'()*UV\USSSSNNN$a$kdC$$Ifl\ (%  t0k&62U2 44 la3]^5"KZxh_0JB*mHnHphuhY0JB*phjhY0JB*Uph hY0JjhY0JUhYhYB*phhjhUht(^CJaJh3M5CJaJ h3M5h3MCJaJh3Mh3MB*phh3MB*CJaJph(\]^s{kd$$Ifl&&  t 0&62U44 lap $$Ifa$$a$e____$Ifkd$$Ifl0&=B  t0&62U44 lapzzzzzzzzzzzzz$Ifkd$$Ifl0&=B t0&62U44 la5 $$Ifa$nkdU$$Ifl&& t0&62U44 la$If567JPQRnozzztzzt$If $$Ifa${kd$$Ifl%p&  t 0p&62U44 lap opqNEE????$If $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl\ 9%>   t0p&62U2U2 44 laytt(^aXXR$If $$Ifa$kd$$IflF %> J t0p&6    2U2U244 laytt(^ !ullcll]S $If`$If $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$kdS$$Ifl40 %> 2 t0p&62U2 44 laf4ytt(^!"XYPC=$If $ n $Ifa$kd$$Ifl\ h%>  t0p&62U2 44 laytt(^YZsjaj[$If $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl40 %> 2 t0p&62U2 44 laf4ytt(^PHFFFFFF !kd$$Ifl\ h%>  t0p&62U2 44 laytt(^ ! !&`#$$a$ 01h/R . 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